Thursday, May 21, 2009

Living relentless

I've been thinking a lot- about the word relentless... Never backing down, never resting- living life like a marathon, where you never slow down. Not slacking off- doing what needs to be done, not slowing for any reason. Not pain, or temptation- being impossible to distract or dissuade... Not very easy. Maybe not even fun. What does it take to live that kinda life of dedication? What would drive a person to that? A dream? A passion? Love? I'm not sure, really what my answer to that is... but I'm aiming for a relentless life. And so far, it's tiring. I feel like I'm running till I can't run anymore, then running some more. Fall down, roll with it, and get up and run again. It kinda sounds sucky, but at the same time, I like who I am better right now. And I don't know if I'll ever attain my dreams by this relentless persuit, but I'd rather play guitar till my fingers bleed, and never be payed for it- Love my friends with my time, resources and energy, and never find that one love I hope for- Study Japanese till I'm fluent, and never make it to japan... Seek God, and try for a sin free life, and never be perfect, than rest secure in where I am now, never striving for more. I read in a book- Paradise_ by the writer of the Ring series: that a warrior is one who fights everything, himself, nature, fate- one who dies dancing. I'm not sure that I'll ever be a warrior, not even sure that I want to be, but I do want to fight to be more than I am now. I may not have a genius, or passion, I may have nothing driving me beyond a desire not to stop where i am, but I'm hoping and praying that it's enough.

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